Monday, 18 May 2015

Contoh recount text

 seamat sore sobat,sore ini admin akan ngepost tentang recount text, sebenarnya ada ygang tau ngga apa itu recount text? recount teks adalah menceriakan kembali kejadian masa lampau.... dan ini adalah contoh recount text.

                                                           MY TRIP TO CRATER IJEN

Good morning everyone,let me introduce myself  My name Arjuna
I live in  Banyuwangi. I am 16 years of age. I was born in Karanganyar, Solo, Central Java. and I want to tell my trip to the crater of Ijen
On Sunday, I, Adi, Sodikin, Fahmi, Fiqi, and another friend, visit one Destinations in Banyuwangi is the crater. The journey to the crater of  Ijen desperate need of a struggle because the road to Ijen crater filled with climbs and sharp turns, on when me and my friends across the ramp, the vehicle of my friends named Fiqi not strong across the incline and eventually Fiqi push the vehicle to the road leveled off after that Fiqi drive his vehicle, when he got in the car park area of the crater we buy a drink in the shop after that we continue the journey to the top of the crater to climb, when he got in the crater of Ijen we really enjoyed the scenery, although a lot of smoke yag out of the crater but our struggle to the crater of Ijen has tergnti with the beauty of the natural charm of the crater.this is the first time I visited Ijen crater, and this experience is very impressive.

ini dulu yang admin bagikan, semoga bermanfaat

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